Introducing: The Elite Fighter - Hanshi Gary Legacy's Newest Book!

We at Legacy Martial Arts and Fitness are proud to share the release of Hanshi Gary Legacy’s first book: The Elite Fighter. A culmination of over 50 years of learning, training and teaching Shorin Ryu Karate Jutsu and Hakutsuru White Crane, The Elite Fighter is an in-depth look at the effective techniques and deep philosophies which have molded Hanshi Legacy into the world-class martial artist he is today.

            Learn more about Hanshi Legacy’s history: the trials and tribulations that forged him while under the tutelage of his Senseis Harold Warden, Benny Allen, Richard Kim and Anthony Sandoval. Explore Hanshi Legacy’s practical and methodical approach as he breaks down combat-driven fundamentals into the aspects of the physical, mental and spiritual. Discover the parallels of Hanshi Legacy’s core philosophies reflected in legendary historical masters like Chatan Yara, Matsumura Sokon and Itosu Yasutsune. Whether you’re someone interested in getting into martial arts or a martial artist eager to enhance your fighting skills, The Elite Fighter will certainly add value to any level!

            Contact us to get your copy today!

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