LMAF September Grading (Sept 10th, 2022)

Big congratulations to all who graded from the Kitchener Dojo! We had a number of fantastic students who earned their yellow belts (6th Kyu):

Fatih Aydin

Rose Aydin

Azooz Hussein

Max Elias

Stepanka Elias

Brandon Lima

Martin Marcotte

Owen Stendel

Reid Stendel

Congratulations also to Jacob Burns (to yellow belt) and Jesse Velay-Vitow (to 1st kyu) of the Toronto dojo on their gradings as well!

A very special thanks to Senseis Robert Chlumsky and Sean FP for helping these beginners master their first steps in karate.

In addition, we also had a couple of our 2nd Kyu brown belts earn their 1st Kyu Promotions. Congratulations to:

Roy Kelley

Craig Stewart

And of course, many thanks to Kyoshi Randy Dauphin (Kitchener’s head instructor) and Hanshi Gary Legacy (Founder of Legacy Shorin Ryu) for their tireless efforts to elevating Karate.